Fullfilled Rastafari; The Trod of Kaya IsesaJah

My Resume

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Kaya IsesaJah Stewart

 Residing Currently in New York, Upstate



Currently working as a Writer, Promoter, Teacher, Servant of The Most High Jah, and yes I still a Student and naturally, a full time Mother an Wife.


Looking to Write Articles, Reason, Help Rastafari forward in these days and times..Initing the Bredrin an Sistren, teaching about Yahshua, Online teaching and tutoring for Free to Rastafari People, including Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Mathematics.






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Experience With

Virological Techniques pertainent with the Virology Laboratory including Tissue Cell Culturing

Bone Marrow CMV Antigenimia Testing

All phases of daily activities in:

Immunology Diagnostic Laboratory

Microbiology Diagnostic/Clinical Laboratory

Mycobacteriology Laboratory

Supervisory Skills in All Laboratories


Arthritis Journal 1988, 1989

Lyme Disease: Comparison of Lyme Elisa currently in use

Alumbo! Community Leader and Writer

Feature Articles:

The Lemba People

Fullfilled Rastafari




I have helped to promote I Kings works on CD, with Ron Davis AKA Gully Bull.

Plan to Promote and Organize a Christian/Rastafari Gospel/Reggae Musik Fest


NATURAL SCIENCES: Biology, Zoology, Botany, Comparative Vertebrate Analysis, Embriology, Microbial Genetics, Surgical Techniques in the Animal Laboratory, Ornithology, Nutrition, Microbiology, Hematology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Immunology, Virology, Anatomy and Physiology, Parasitology, Electron Microscopy both Scanning and Transmission, Microtomy, General Pathology, Pathology of Disease, Internship for Marist College 'Effect of Vincristine on Unborn Chicks'.
CHEMISTRY: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Mathematics: Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations; General Physics
Languages: Spanish, German, some Russian (1 yr), American Sign Language
Social Sciences: Sociology, Social Problems, Psychology, Anthropology, Archeology
Elective Courses: Avante Garde Film, Documentary Film, History of the Greek World, African History, World Views and Values, Comparative Religions, Appreciation of Art, Russian Writers Literature, German for Medical Periodical Interpretation

Current Works: Currently I am the Webmistress for the Sadie Peterson Delaney African Roots Library and I am on the Library Board. I am Cofounder of the Nzingha Women: Doorway to Healing Womens Collective, which is operating out of the African Roots Library, presently but InI are also applying to become a not for profit agency as well. I am also currently, an Education Tutor for our local school district. I am and will always be an Advocate for Rastafari people, families and youth especially. I have founded, by organizing meetings and chapters of the Fulfilled Rastafari Mansion in the United States.


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In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Jah and the Word was Jah! St. John 1:1

