Here is a link to an Organization I belong
to. It is a Rastafari Organization called
(The InIversal RasTafarI
Community Cooperative) which is an organization geared towards the development of the
"Inified Sovereign
Nation of RasTafarI"
the economic and social development of our people, the re-education
of Rastas and the public, Repatriation and Reparations and the academic and technical progression of our people.
When this group was
created, it was not intended for Rastafari debate, doctrinal discussions or simply to feed the interest and curiosity of non-Rastas.
Yet from time to time, we may see such here on this site. This group was created as a central point of Online Information,
international communications and to organize and facilitate the efforts and projects of IRASCOM Inc. Its BECAUSE of our purpose,
that we have attracted most of the most "conscious, serious-minded, cultural, spiritual, educated and self-taught" Rastafarians
from AROUND THE WORLD....Rastas who are not concerned with idle talks and petty debates, but progression, upward and forward
actions. Many Rastas find IRASCOM to be a "breath of fresh air" as Jamaican Elders called it, and a haven away from the unproductive
online Rasta forums.