Yahshua the Christ is I Jah and
I King ForIver
Bronze Depiction of Yahshua
The Biography of Fullfilled Rastafari
Jah Bless. This small website has been irated to provide information. I am sure enough of Rastafari have heard of a new
mansion, a new house of Rastafari called Fullfilled Rastafari. While I prefer to hold Rastafari together under one banner,
thereby unifying INI, there came a time for certain of INI Rastafari to express INI views wid out interrupting or trying to
change a next Rastafari viewpoint. I have been heavily criticized for I _expression of I views. Some criticism (a next kind
of ISM) has had to do with how INI view Selassie I in these times. The Twelve Tribes of Israel have officially stated that
the members do view Yahshua (Jesus Christ) as a separate being from Haile Selassie I, and it has been said that Haile Selassie
I is Christ in His Kingly character. This house however, does not view it this way. It is not INI intention to qwestion the
faith of others, but INI must express INI own views an livity while uplifting Rastafari an its Kulcha. Rastafari is a movemant
an a upliftmant of Jah people. It is a black movemant an a multicultural upliftmant, fighting down black an white downpression.
It is clear that Haile Selassie I is the Defender of INI Faith. He is the one who has led INI to this Faith. INI are therefore
obedient to all of His Majesty’s teachmants and INI keep the views an Faith that His Majesty had. His Majesty told INI
a soul without ‘Christ is like a ship without a rudder’. He prayed to Yahshua and exalted Him. He encouraged INI
to keep to the ‘Christian Life, the holy life’, an INI intend to live INI life in this way, to the best of INI
ability. Ones have asked I, are you then, a offshoot of 12 Tribes and I have replied that INI are not. I was also asked if
INI are Orthodox Christians, or traditional Christians, an I replied that INI are not. Christianity especially modern Christianity,
implies Religion. INI are not dealing wid Religion at all. INI deal wid Realationship of INI, wid Christ Yahshua an di Faddah
Jahovia, through di Hola Spirit. Not only do INI view king Selassie as the Defender of INI Faith, INI view Yahshua completely
independent of king Selassie, as it is INI opinion, view an Faith that His Majesty occupied the role of defender an mortal
king, as he told INI while on the Royal Ithiopian Train to Canada. INI view Yahshua as Deity. He is the Messiah and Immanuel
which means God with Us. He came to earth, from heaven, to show INI His ways through the Gospels. From the Earth, He went
willingly to the Cross, for INI debt, which He paid. But as is ILabrated at Timkit in Ithiopia, He arose again from the dead.
He has ascended into Heaven and will come again. INI will know when He has come, when all tears are wiped from INI eyes. He
will defeat Satan. Armageddeon will collapse this world but when Christ is come He will truly Free INI an INI will finally
rule this world, this paradise He intended to provide for INI before Adam an Eve first committed sin. Until that day, as His
Majesty said, until that day, the Afrikan continent, will not know peace. INI know that if Afrika still does not know peace,
The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah has yet to come. His Majesty teachmants show
that he awaited that King, that Lord, and that Messiah. In this way INI Rastafari of all houses are ‘Original Christians’
as is His Majesty. It was He who told INI to live the Christian Life, a Hola Life, an di Original Christians are Rastafari,
an although I cast no judgemant upon any Christian, Rastafari, or even ones of any Faith, I know that we who follow His Majestys
teachmants to the Christ will never go wrong. His majesty asked INI not to qwestion the Faith of Others and he told INI to
spread the good news of the Gospels of Yahshua. So INI endeavour to bring forth the Truth, in Love. I wish you peace, overstanding
an Love.
Last revised: June 3, 2005
To I, there are so many ILafull differences in Rastafari
Faith and Livity. I have gotten all sorts of things said to I, when I have reasoned that with ones. Some became angered and
tried to tell I that I had no right thinking independantly, nor did I have a right to change things within I own group of
Rastafari, I family, I friends, and those who are like minded.
Imagine I frustration, visiting groups set up for fellowship, and reasoning only to be told that
I views were too individual for Rastafari. I had to irate a place, whether it be a house, a mansion, a board, somewhere, where
ones could gather, and learn, and teach. Perhaps INI could agree to disagree here, fa real!!! In truth, I have gone thru alot
in getting here Idren. I have always beleived in the Glory of The Most High Jah, and that, I thought was a common link INI
Rastafari had between all of INI. It was not if I called I self a Christian (Certainly I had, since I conversion in 1998)
or a Rastafari (which I always was, since it is I livity and Kulcha).
Well Jah has shown I that there will always be Downpressors even amongst INI, thru no fault of their
own persay. INI do not fight against flesh, but against the god of this world, whose name is satan. He is ruling this world
here, Babylon and INI are jus as susceptible to his tricks and ploys as the people who INI bun fiyah against!! With that learned,
and much more praying and reading I was able to let I tremendous urge to tell everyone what I had learned in I trod. I found
that Jah was actually leading I to this spot, to Irate a house where all are wellcome, and the foundation of this house is
LOVE, ACCEPTANCE...it dosent matter in I house where yuh from or who yuh are, what does matter is that INI are to value each
other, and truly be willing to teach, to learn, and to love one another.
Now I am feeling so much more settled within I self. If yuh ask mi who is I saviour an I redeemer,
I will tell yuh wid no apologies Yahshua is!! I will not debate, or critisize anything you say to I about your own personal
walk wid di Irator...but if yuh ask what it is that INI fi do in order to be in Jah Glory I will tell di I. If you do not
ask, I will not tell you but I will express I views as freguently as I like, by posting His Imperial Majesty's speeches, Interviews,
and other pertainent information which lends REASON to I Faith.
I hope my Christian Friends do not think I have forgotten all that I have learned, becuz that is
the furthest thing from the truth Iyah!! I am fully supportive of reaching the lost, letting them know the truth about the
Gospel of Peace. I now will settle I self as Jah has a bigger plan now for I...an it is one of Inity an Love as Isample of
the Gospel of Peace which I want to bring to I Bredrin, irregardless of how dem trod. I saw recently a horrible divisive 'fight'
between two individuals. I was appaled to see that this disagreemant, even this obvious two ways of thinking came down to
severing a Inity which could have been such a positive force in this dark world INI are trodding in. I am truly happy that
one of those individuals did not Itinue in the pettyness and the anger. INI are all human, INI all mek mistake, and are all
falling short of His Glory. Through all of this, I am determined not to let disharmony and disInity into I house.
I am so sure of how things are now working out for INI . I personal trod has never been better with
I God. He is talking and walking with I each day, showing I how to live I life, to the best of I ability, and as close as
I can according to His Will. His will requires INI to have Faith yuh know. In order to do His will fully means that you must
trust even though there seems to be no way. You must trust irregardless of your circumstance. You must trust in His Love for
You, and that is how I am trying to live my life. Now, what about spreading the Gospel of Peace? Jah has shown I that if INI
TRULY SEEK HIM INI WILL FIND HIM...Confident of that Iyah!!
May Jah Bless All of The I who Have Come to This Spot, and May Yahshua, Jah Son, INI Saviour an Redeemer
Free INI from the Chains of Spiritual Slavery, by being fully Empowered by Jah Hola Spirit, and His Love.
Kaya IsesaJah | |
Significance of Scripture
Scripture which Proves Jah is The Irator:
Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3, Isaiah 44:24, 45:12, Heb 3:4
There are Three Persons in One Jah:
Gen 1:26, Matt 28:19, Matt 3:16-17, Luke 1:35, Isaiah 9:6, Heb 3:7-11
All About Man According to The Bible:
Man's Basic Nature is Sinful:
Rom 3:10-12, Eph 2:3, Ps 51:5, Jer 17:9
Man can Never become Jah:
Isa 43:10, 44:6,8, Hos. 11:9, Num 23:19
Mans Own Efforts Cant Save Him:
Eph 3:8-9, Titus 3:5, Gal 2:16, Isa 64:6
The Truth about Yahshua who is The Son of Jah:
Yahshua is the Son of Jah an the Second person of the trinity:
John 1:1,14, 20:28, 1 Tim 3:16
The name Yahshua is the ONLY name given for Salvation and is ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES:
Acts 4:10, 12 Phil 2:9-11
What the Bible says INI must do to Have Iternal life:
Stop trusting in INI own efforts to please Jah, an begin to trust what Yahshua has done already
(Proverbs 28:26, Pro 3:5-6)
INI must ask Him to forgive INI of all of INI sins (1 Jn 1:9)
INI mus pray Him to come an live within INI selfs (Rev 3:20)
INI fi Ask Him to take His Rightful Place as Lord and Jah of iNI life (Rom 10:9-10, Phil 2:11)
Turn Away, stan firm against Sin (Jn 1:12, Acts 3:19)
Yahshua said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through
Haile Selassie
I Speaks On Yahshua the Christ
"When Jesus Christ was born from Virgin Mary, from that time on He lived an exemplary life, a life which men everywhere
must emulate. This Life and the Faith that He taught Us assures Us of Salvation, assures Us also of Harmony and Good Life
upon Earth. Because the Exemplary Character of the Life of Jesus Christ it is necessary that all men do their Maximum in their
Human Efforts to see to it that they approximate as much as they can the Good Example that as been set by Him.
"It is quite true that there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mistakes, we do commit sins but
even as we do that, deep in Our hearts as Christains we know we have forgivness from the Almighty. He taught Us all who seek
Him shall Find Him. To live in this Healthy Life, a Christain Life, is what makes Me follow Jesus Christ."
For Christian people no day is as glorious and as joyous as the day on which they commemorate the Nativity of Our Savior
Jesus Christ. On this day each one of Us tries to forget his worries and his anxieties and endeavours to alleviate those of
his loved ones and friends, and to forgive those who have wronged Him, so as only to mediate on the life of Him who is Supreme
Lord in All.
From Our early childhood We are struck by the sentiments of unfathomable mystery, simple and yet sublime, which stirs
up in Us the evocation of the Birth of the Divine Child.
The Mystery of Bethlehem reveals itself in our spirits, more fascinating the more we advance on the path of life, and
the more we realize the magnitude of the mission each one of us has to accomplish in this world, be it humble or noble, ardous
or thankless.
An unheard of event, expected for more then forty centuries has at last been accomplished: the Son of God is born. He
has only a stable for His palace and a manger for a cradle. The hearts of the wise are thrilled by this majestic humilty,
and the kings of the Earth bend their knees before Him and worship Him.
'Peace on Earth, goodwil to men,' -this was His first message. In the same manner when He went to the summit of Calvery,
there to expiate for our sins with the supreme sacrifice, He gave up His last breath invoking forgivness for His very tormentors:
'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.'
In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Savior of the World, in looking at the laws
which He gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had
we been Christain people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and would
have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer
have remained divided into hostile camps.
In very truth there are no interest or reasons, however legitimate they may be, that can justify war.
Our Father in Amharic:
Abata Chin Hoy Besamaye Yimit Node Semaye Cades
Mengeste Timta Fucada Besemaye Endehonich Endaho Bamada Tohun Yelet Injahrasen Sitan Badalachin Yeka Balen Inya Yabudalunen Yecar Indamanil Kakufu Ahdaeningy Waday Fatana Atagban Mengest Hile Kable Lazalalem
| | | Judy
Mowatt is a Fullfilled Rastafari. She nuh haffi be a part of any group yuh know. She said she was fullfilled not for any other
reason, other than she is Rastafari from Iration, something yuh are born. But she have fullfilled in that she knows Yahshua
in the way that His Imperial Majesty endeavoured to lead INI.
Carleen Davis is a next Isample, again allways she an husband
King Tommy Cowan a Rasta from Birth, uplifted Black People through Musik an Song from years now. But recently sis Carleen
find her self trodding a next way wid in I kulcha, following Christ in di same way of His Majesty.
How good an How pleasant it will be before Jah an Man, to
see di Inification of all Rastaman. There are nuff a wi out deh yuh know. INI love di Faddah, an His Son, an are bless by
di Hola Spirit. INI have accepted Him to be INI Lord an King. King Selassie I is INI earthly King until Yahshua comes to INI
in His second Coming. This is what INI spiritual life is all about. I do not wait for some god to come down outta the sky
but rather INI Jah an King to manifest, from Heaven, back pon di Earth, as stated in Revelations. |
Orthodox Church, INI Church, INI are Original